The MPF Project: My life, My ideas.
Part One: Internal Effects as External Effects on a Tascam PortaStudio
I’m back at recording! YEAH! I decided to first to a video on how I get more out my Tascam Digital PortaStudio when recording guitar. — Mike
Gear Review: AKASO EX7000 Camera
We used a GoPro-esc camera on vacation. Here’s my review for this camera. — Mike
Yeah! It’s Friday!
Happy Friday everyone! Just wanted to do a quick, off the top of my head, post about changes that have been happening with me! Another year of Barbershop is starting up! It will be an interesting year and I’m hoping to improve my baritone singing ability so I can bring it into my recordings. I…
My thoughts on Rocksmith
I finally got around to doing the video that I was going to pretty much start my channel with. these are my thoughts on Rocksmith:
I’m Mike Foerster, and I’m a Nobody
Yes, I’m a nobody, and I’m good with it… — Mike
What I dislike about Modern Pop Music
Today is my opinion on modern pop music and what I dislike about it… –> Mike
The Story of my First Bass
Got a little personal today, this is the story of my first bass, I’ve had it since 1991 or 1992, not too sure anymore. Hope you enjoy the video: –> Mike
Rocksmith: Amazon suggested a cable for me to try!
Amazon told me to try this cable, here’s the video: Links to the Cable: Amazon Canada Amazon USA Music by Chris Plummer
Behringer: Why All The Hate?
I have a couple of Behringer devices, most I use almost daily. I don’t understand the hate against Behringer. –> Mike
Gear Review: Zoom H4 Handy Recorder
Today I reviewed my Zoom H4 Handy Recorder, I’ve had this thing for about a year or two now. — Mike
Anything that You’d like me to cover?