I tried that little Zoom H4 on a set of bongos just for fun, here’s the results…
Tag: h4
Using the Zoom H4, Part Three, Vocals and Bass
I recorded the vocals and the bass on the Zoom H4. Here’s how it went.
Using the Zoom H4, Part One: Switching to 4-track Mode and the Metronome
It’s always hard to start a project on a new device, granted this isn’t a new device, but I have never used it in 4-track mode. YES! I’m back on Thursdays!
Thanks for watching!
Quick Recording on the Zoom H4 Handy Recorder
A couple of Sunday’s back, I was asked to record some music from church. It was our cellist’s sister and family who were down from Mexico. Since I didn’t have a lot of time to set up, I brought my Zoom H4 Handy Recorder. Here’s the results: