Category: Tascam Porta-studio

Anything dealing with recording on the porta-studio

  • Have you every thought about using Rocksmith as a virtual amp?

    As usual, I tried things differently with Rocksmith, I’m running my PS3 into my Tascam Digital Portastudio and run the clean guitar track into the PS3.  I’m using Rocksmith’s effects loop to play around with the guitar track to see what kind of sounds I can get.

    — Mike

  • Spring 4 Track Challenge – Final Mixdown, the meeting of old and new

    For the final mixdown of the song, I used my digital Tascam DP32SD, it was an obvious choice to get the best sound possible.

    — Mike

  • Spring 4 Track Challenge! Doubling vocals!

    This is the week!  Have you finished and released your song?  I have and it’ll be available worldwide on Thursday!  Can’t wait to send it around!

    Today’s video is about doubling vocals.  I had someone ask about it so I did a video about it:

    –> Mike

  • Spring 4 Track Challenge – Backing Vocals

    Today’s video is about how I did the backing vocals on the 4 track.  It’s always tough because you need to think ahead on how everything is going to come together…

  • Spring 4 Track Challenge: Guitars

    Last Monday was a holiday and Canada and I forgot to create a post before the weekend!  Here is the one that I missed:

    Recording acoustic guitar:

    Recording and re-amping electric guitar:

    Hope you enjoy them!  It’s coming close to the end of this musical journey!  Hope it is working out for you!  Can’t wait to hear your recordings.

    –> Mike

  • Spring 4-track Challenge: Drum Tracks completed!

    I finished recording the drum tracks!  Here’s how I did it!  Hope all is going well for your 4-track recording!  Love to hear it!

    –> Mike

  • Spring 4-Track Challenge: Getting my 4-Track ready to record

    Since I started recording on my 4-Track back in 1993, I’ve always followed a strict way to record to keep the sound as fresh and clear as possible.

    1. I demagnetize the heads. My father bought a demagnetizer in the mid-80s and since he stopped using it at this point, I started using it whenever I record or do a major mix down of a song.
    2. Clean the heads. I always clean the heads before recording or doing a mix down.

    After I’ve done these two steps, I show you how I recorded the scratch track from the digital porta-studio to the 4-track.

  • A deeper understanding of using effects on various systems.

    I’ve been reading a lot of questions about using effects on different systems and decided I wanted to help out where I could.  I made the following video showing how to set up effects on various devices from amplifiers and mixers to using them while recording.

    — Mike

  • I wrote a YouTube intro!

    I wrote a YouTube intro for a friend’s channel…

    Here’s how I did it:

    Here’s his site:

    Larry The Butcher


  • Recording from a 4 track to a Digital Portastudio and Spring 4 track Challenge

    We have two things on the bill for this week’s post!

    First off, I show you how to move your recording from a 4-track to your digital Portastudio.  It isn’t hard to do, but if you want to keep a digital copy of your work, it is a good idea to do this.

    Secondly, starting March 21st, we will be joining forces with 424 Recording for a Spring 4-track challenge!  This will take place from March 21st until June 21st.  I hope to have a song completed and ready for distribution on June 21st!  Hope you will join us!

    –> Mike