Category: Music

Anything dealing with the band.

  • The most hated thing about the music industry: Promotion

    So, you’ve released your song / CD / EP / whatever, now what?  Easy, you need to promote it.  How?  That’s the fun part!  There are many options, most will cost you money, but you can do it cheaply as possible.

    There are many options that won’t cost you anything but time to get yourself out there.

    Promotion is a BAND task

    Unless you are spending money on promotion, it is a BAND task.  You all have some type of social media account.  You need all need to take part in promoting the work.  It’s very easy, make a post include a URL, best would be one that has all the links to the different streaming sites, and include the phrases, Please Share and Like This.  Why is this a band effort?  Because everyone has different friends and followers and that’ll give you a broader base.

    Not everyone shares or likes

    This is one that I struggled with on my last release.  Not everyone is going to share your great news.  Don’t get upset, just keep going and after a while, do the same post again.

    The key is to keep doing things and keep going.  That is the biggest and hardest step.

    Thanks for reading,

    — Mike

  • XXIV – It’s here!

    XXIV – It’s here!

    The MPF Project’s first CD, started back 24 years ago, it now streaming on your favourite site.  Please listen to it, share it if you like it, send it to people who might like it.

    Here are some of the more popular sites we are on:

    You can search on other sites, they’ve made it difficult for me to find the songs!  Please enjoy!

  • June 1st – The MPF Project – XXIV

    June 1st – The MPF Project – XXIV

    Just 1st, 2017 will be the release date of the latest CD from us.  Once I have more details I will share links for different streaming services offering the music.

    Thanks for being a part of this.