It’s a snowy Monday here in Ontario! Hope all is good where you are! I’ve recorded a scratch track of the vocals for my song challenge, here’s what I think of it and what I did.
Author: mfoerster
Recording Live, Part 1: Using the Zoom H4 Handy Recorder
I have been given the opportunity to record a series of concerts, this was my first recording. I did it with the Zoom H4 Handy Recorder, here’s what I did.
My Song Challenge, Episode 1: Drums and Bass
I’ve started my song challenge! Here’s the first entry of the vlog, drums and bass. Using the Dr. Rhythm for this part.
We made it to 100 subscribers! Thank you!
It took a year and 2 months, but we did it! Thank you everyone for subscribing to my YouTube channel! This made my week!
Recording Vocals, Tips from the Big Guy
I give some things that I’ve learned over the years after many trial and errors.
The Differences Between Input Types on Rocksmith
There seems to be confusion on the different input types on Rocksmith. I try to explain them all for you in this video.
Gear Finds, Episode 10: Boss Dr. Rhythm DR-3
I’ve had my friend’s DR-3 floating around the studio for a while and finally got around the making a video about it. Thanks Dean for lending it to me! This has brought me into trying something new for my next recording. More to follow!
Public Service Announcement From an Old Man, RECORD YOURSELF!
I get a little nostalgic in this video today! Talking about how we use to record ourselves.
The Evolution of a Recording Studio
I did this short video showing the stages the “Yellow Room” has gone through since it was started in 2012.
The Vocal Microphone Challenge!
Last week I used the eight microphones on the drum set to see how each one sounded, this week, I’m using the for my vocals.
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
The microphones used this week are:
- Realistic PZM
- Pyle PDMICR425L
- Shure SM58
- Realistic Low Bais (Gold)
- Shure SM57
- Pyle PDMIC78
- Behringer B-1