Sometimes you need to get yourself out there!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful new year, I know that I am.  I’ve been pushing myself to get out there again and do things that I’ve wanted to do for a long time.

I’m taking drum lessons.  I’ve wanted to play drums since I was a kid, but as it is with a lot of parents, drums were too noisy and expensive at the time.  I’m going to try and practice at least 30 minutes per day.

I’m currently playing bass in two bands, one is an all original band and the other is a mix of covers and originals.  Looking forward to starting to actually play in clubs or bars again.

I’m looking forward to getting married near the end of this year.

I’m working with my friend Dean to finish up our recordings as well.  Dean and I are also working with a drummer to form a Nirvana tribute band.  We’ll have to see how this goes as well.

I’m also going to try and finish another video for the For My Dear Friend stuff.  I have a great idea for a video for “I Don’t Care” but I just don’t have the time to work on it.

Wishing you all the best!

— Mike




