Yeah! It’s Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!  Just wanted to do a quick, off the top of my head, post about changes that have been happening with me!

Another year of Barbershop is starting up!  It will be an interesting year and I’m hoping to improve my baritone singing ability so I can bring it into my recordings.

I have a design site, I’ve started a shop on SpreadShirt, I’m trying to raise money to get a better camera for doing overhead shots of the consoles.  I thought about started a Patreon account, but I don’t have a lot of offer for incentives.  Instead, I’m making my designs available for a variety of different things from clothing to bags.  Click here to take a look.

I’ve also updated the music section as I found more places that are streaming our songs.  Click here to see that.

Lastly, check out the YouTube channel!  I’m bring a new video every Monday!  I’m going to start work on another new song and get that moving too!  Click here to see the channel!

Thanks again for watching, listening and reading!

— Mike



