The Music

Since I’ve recorded under a couple of projects, I’m going to list where to find each recording by band:

Hollow Spirit (1992 – 1995)

Live at Place Polonaise (1993)

The Who Cares EP (1994)

For My Dear Friend (1995 – 2014)

Full Circle… (2014)

If you are a subscriber to any streaming sites like Spotify, etc.  You will find us if you search for “For My Dear Friend”

Outtakes (For My Dear Friend)

On SoundCloud:

The MPF Project (2015 – Present)

XXIV (2017)

Mike Foerster

(Christmas) At Our House (Single)

Web Of Lies (Single)

We’re going to put the adding of new songs to this list on hold until we have the CD completed later this year (May of 2017).

Thank you!


One response to “The Music”

  1. […] to focus all my attention on what is happening in my life right now.  I will be adding “For My Dear Friend” items to this site, I’ve already started doing that a while […]