New Music and working with old technology

Hello everyone!

As you might know, “Hollow Spirit” has released two new songs over the weekend on SoundCloud:

Because of the great response from the releases.  We are looking to make a video for Picture Window.

Working with old Technology

Since Dean and I started working on the old “Hollow Spirit” recordings again.  We’ve been trying to get an 8-track reel to reel that we used tracked down to the new 32 track digital system I bought at the beginning of the year.

This has become quite a chore and we are still looking to get this finished.   I’ve currently contacted about 4 different locations in the area trying to find anyone who can help us.

This is one of the reasons why I wanted to not use the old cassette 4-track for recording anymore.  I was truly afraid that it would break down near the end of the completion of the recordings and I wouldn’t be able to get anything back.

So back to my story; Most of the places that I have contacted don’t deal in reel to reel anymore and have gotten rid (updated) their systems.  I didn’t find out the true problem that I am having until I spoke with a guy who has been in the business for about 30 years now.  The problem is, our 1/2″ reel isn’t a standard professional recording system.  The 1/2″ systems were made for personal use not professional use.  This new found knowledge means that the only way to get this music copied, I will need to purchase my own player.  Currently, that’s $1000+, too rich for me at the moment.

Hopefully, at some point we will find someone who has one of these old 1/2″ reel to reels and we can finally get the music off the system and present it to all of you.

— Mike



